Friday, January 21, 2011

Knowledge project!

Now that we are halfway through knowledge start thinking about your knowledge projects. Your projects need to push you to try more things, or in this case learn more things. My last knowledge project I spent a good amount of time studying colleges and what I need to make it into pharmacy school. This time I have a book I am writing that involves learning a lot of British history. I think it's incredibly amazing to see all the things about England I never knew. So its your turn to chose. Look at your personal progress examples and then think of some of your own. I know you can do it because I can too.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Knowledge 3

Knowledge 3 is memorize the thirteenth Article of Faith. Recite it to a parent, leader, or adult. Then visit a museum or performance. Using the article of faith evaluate what you saw and heard. Write it down in a journal and Share your thoughts with a parent or leader.
I know it's tough to get to a place where you can complete this. But I want you to at least have the article of faith its self memorized. If I could memorize all 13 when I was 5 you can easily memorize the thirteenth. I've learned that the thirteenth is one of the easiest to memorize. Even though it's long it has a rhythm that makes it easy to remember. &searchseqend=132&searchsubseqend=ZZZ

that is the link to the song on

And here's the Article of Faith its self.

"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; Indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul-We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
Articles of Faith 1:13

This is also the youths theme of the year. Now why is that? Here's an article by Gordon B. Hinckley and Sister Elaine S. Dalton talking about the thirteenth Article of Faith.

And then here is the article talking about this theme by the Young Women's General Presidency. (Did you know I hugged Elaine S. Dalton and she told me I have a beautiful smile?)
Anyways here's the Article on that

We believe that one virtuous young woman, led by the Spirit, can change the world. As a Young Women general presidency, we have observed young women doing what they believe is right, standing as witnesses, living the gospel standards, and truly making a difference. It is amazing what one young woman can accomplish when she is virtuous, listens to the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost, and then acts!

When Joseph Smith wrote the thirteenth article of faith, he expressed everything we can and must seek and become as believers. Joseph Smith knew that we must believe in standards and values and seek after these things in order to have the power and strength of the Holy Ghost. He knew we would need to follow the Savior in word and deed. He knew that doing this would prepare us to be worthy of the blessings of the temple.

Believe in Yourself
How will you do this? How will you lead others in following the Savior’s example, living a virtuous life, and preparing for the temple? First, believe in yourself! Your courage and strength have helped you become a leader, and your commitment will make all the difference this year. Your ideas, innovations, and actions can shape the world now and in the future.

Because of the technological world in which you live, you have the ability to flood the earth with those things that are virtuous, lovely, and praiseworthy. You have at your fingertips the ability to testify of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the entire world. Never before has a generation had such an ability, blessing, and opportunity.

Three Things Plus One—Every Day!
We believe in you. Now is the time to unite and begin a change that will empower you and bless others. We invite you to continue to do three things every single day—plus one.

1. Pray every morning and every night.

2. Read in the Book of Mormon at least five minutes every day.

3. Smile!

4. In addition, we invite you to obey and live the standards in For the Strength of Youth. Become familiar with these standards. Share them with others. And be an example of the believers.

This year, believe. Believe you are a daughter of Heavenly Father, who loves you and will help you. Believe in the Savior Jesus Christ. He is your light. He is your hope. He is your exemplar and Redeemer. Believe in yourself! Believe in the power of all young women living the standards. All together we can seek after those things that are virtuous, lovely, and praiseworthy. All together we can make a difference in our world.

We believe you are the generation whose belief and actions will change the world. We believe in you!