Sunday, November 7, 2010

My First Two Challanges to You

Lets start with Integrity. Integrity is hard to describe but it is a very pure word. The dictionary definition is
"adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire. a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition"
The value color is Purple. Purple was the color of ancient royalty. So that's a little background of Integrity.
My goal for you is to work on is Integrity 2 this week.
This experience is all about assessing your Integrity. Do you avoid gossip? Do you avoid inappropriate jokes? Swearing? Profanity? Are you Honest? etc.
I think this is a great experience to start with. And I will be completing this with you.

Now my second challenge. Read the Book of Mormon. I know that reading the Book of Mormon can be hard. But I have done it twice now. You need to just keep reading.
I want you to be reading 10 verses a day. Along with me. And 10 verses is not very much. I think you can do that.

there are only 6604 verses in the Book of Mormon. So go ahead. Get reading. Right Now!